
Monday, February 25, 2008

Forex Bussines


AvaTrader is a multi-faceted trading platform that is easily adaptable to the trader's individual preferences and tastes. Foremost, AvaTrader is a trading platform that gives the user the opportunity to trade in FX quickly, seamlessly and easily via the live streaming prices that are constantly generated. All of the advanced functionality is apparent within the platform and the Main page gives the trader a one-page full-featured advanced trading platform.

AvaTrader allows the user to open up multiple worksheets and save the information and the layout as it appeals to him. However the windows on the Main page display all the necessary information for trade:

Dealing Rates
Dealing Rates Table
Open Positions
Account Information

By using the tabs found beneath the main menu, clients can easily jump from one workspace to another. Workspaces can be created, edited and deleted easily by right-clicking on the tabs available.

The one-click worksheet displayed allows the trader to execute trades with a single click. These windows should be used by confident traders only,since a single click is sufficient to enter into a trade. It allows great flexibility for traders to enter and exit the market quickly.

By tabbing onto charts, the trader can see an example of the types of charts available. Charts can be changed and analyzed to suit the trader.

Dealing Rates
The Dealing Rates window is a versatile window that allows the trader to pick his favorite instruments. we trade off-exchange forex transactions. The current default features six different instruments, although the trader has the ability to add or subtract the number and types of instrument displayed. The trader can also has the ability to detach the window in order to view the rates on any window or computer page that he has open, independent of the AvaTrader platform.
The main function of this window is to carry out trades. By right clicking the instrument "Bid" or "Ask", the trader is then able to choose between a "market", "limit" or "stop" order. The trader selects the amount he wishes to trade and clicks "ok" button to execute the trade.
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Dealing Rates Table

The dealing rates table window allows the trader to view many different instruments, including the days high and low in one window. The trader can execute the same orders and in the same format as the dealing rates window.
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Open Positions

The open positions window displays the traders open positions. The trader is also able to close a trade with one-click on the close tab. In addition to closing the open trade the trader is able to set stops including trailing stops, limits, O.C.O's. during times of extreme volatility it can be difficult or impossible to execute orders.
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The orders window displays the trader's orders that are not linked to existing positions. Through the Order page, traders are able to set "If Done" I/D orders as well as all the standard orders mentioned in open positions. during times of extreme volatility it can be difficult or impossible to execute orders.
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Account Information
The Account Information window shows the traders financial status at any given moment. This information includes the traders balance, equity (balance plus the P&L for current open positions), the used and available margins, as well as the P&L.
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The charts available in AvaTrader are functional and very easy to use. The trader is able to use different chart types, such as line, bar and candle. The trader can also choose different instruments within the chart as well as different periods. Technical analysis is easily added, whether manually drawing in support and resistance lines, Fibonacci lines or a large range of oscillators moving averages and a host of other indicators.

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